The Salvation Army Heritage Museum WA held collections of photographs, memorabilia and historical information about Salvation Army Homes and activities in Western Australia. In 2022, on the retirement of the volunteers who ran the Museum, the Museum closed. Some materials were transferred to the Salvation Army Historical Records Department, and the remainder of the collection remains inaccessible to the public. The Salvation Army has stated they will advise when the collection is available again.
The Heritage Museum’s collection included artefacts from children’s Homes run by the Salvation Army in WA, including photographs, books, foundation stones, paintings and other memorabilia. It also held a collection of Every Girl’s Magazine and The Boys’ Magazine, magazines produced for teenagers in Salvation Army families and possibly also children’s Homes. They were published in Great Britain and circulated in Western Australia.
This entry will be updated when the Salvation Army advises that the collection is available to access.