Please contact the Information Access Unit, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital:
Postal address: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Herston, Queensland 4029
Phone: (07) 3646 8323
These records are held by Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (2003 - current).
The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital holds records for persons treated at the hospital, including birth records and other patient records.
For access to these records please contact the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Requests for records should be made in writing and certified by a Justice of the Peace. Proof of identity is required by the Justice of the Peace. This can take the form of a birth certificate, driver’s licence, passport, pension card, student card etc. Children wishing to access their information contained in the Birth Entry Books should provide a copy of their birth certificate with the request.
If a general health record has been inactive for 10 years it is destroyed. Birth records are kept for 28 years before disposal (destruction) takes place. There are Birth Entry Books dating from June 1947. These books record the mother’s name, the sex of the baby, the date of birth, the time of birth, and sometimes the weight of the baby. They also show the signature of the attending midwife.