• Organisation

Retarded Citizens' Welfare Association


The Retarded Citizens Welfare Association (RCWA) was originally the Retarded Children’s Welfare Association. When the children that the original Association had supported began to grow up, members realised that services would need to be developed for their adulthood. To meet these needs, they modified the objectives of the RCWA and changed its name. In 1992, the RCWA was dismantled and replaced with Oakdale Services Tasmania.

The original structure of the Retarded Children’s Welfare Association continued to provide problems for the Retarded Citizens Welfare Association. Hostels that needed funds in order to modernise or extend their premises could not access them unless their own branch held them in their accounts. This meant that despite the considerable funds held by the Association, some hostels became quite run down. Similarly, the lack of co-ordination over staffing matters meant that there were no uniform standards of training or recruitment across the hostels.

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