Please contact the Benevolent Society:
Postal Address: PO Box 171, Paddington NSW 2021
Phone: (02) 8262 3400 or 1800 236 762
Quote this number to access your records: State Library of New South Wales - Manuscripts & Pictures Call Number, *D 574-*D 582
These records are part of Benevolent Society of New South Wales Collection, 1813-1996 (1813 - 1996).
Registers Of Admissions And Discharges are printed volumes that provide a daily register of the admission and discharge of residents. The registers record the name, age, ship and year of arrival in New South Wales of the child. They also record their general medical condition, trade or occupation, religion, referee for admission and how they were discharged (e.g. with permission, to another institution, to family, absconded, expelled, deceased). From 1887 onward, the register includes remarks (e.g. reason for admission and marital status). The series is incomplete.
These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained. At the time of application proof of ID and/or proof of relationship to the person in the records must be provided. For preservation purposes you may only be able to access a copy of the original record. Contact the State Library of New South Wales for assistance in applying for access to the collection.
There are no records from December 1867 to October 1877.
The records are arranged chronologically and there are 9 volumes.