• Archival Collection

Records related to former Church of England Children's Homes

To access these records

Please contact the Archivist, Diocesan Archives Centre:

Postal address: 26 King William Road, North Adelaide SA 5006

Phone: (08) 8305 9350

Email: archives@adelaideanglicans.com

Website: https://adelaideanglicans.com/ministry-support/archives/


The collection Records related to former Church of England Children’s Homes held at the Anglican Archives dates from the 1860s to 1990. The records were created by the children’s Homes and other residences such as Farr House, St Mary’s Mission of Hope, and relate to children who were placed in them. The types of records include admission book registers, children’s files, annual reports, superintendent reports, correspondence files, matron’s reports and photographs.

Access Conditions

For access to records related to former Church of England and Anglican Children’s Homes and other institutions held at the Anglican Archives please contact the Diocesan Archivist.

Many records contain personal information. In order to maintain the confidentiality of other people, a written application for information is required, and proof of the identity of the applicant needs to be provided. Where the request is about someone other than the applicant, permission from that person or other evidence of eligibility to access that information must be provided.

The Anglican Archives is not open to the public. Requests for records need to be made in writing. An appointment can be made to discuss records if required. The Archives does not charge any fees to former residents of Church of England/Anglican Homes seeking their records.


The records held by Anglican Archives relate to children who were placed in the following Homes and other residences:

  • Farr House (1860 – 1980)
  • Karingal Youth Hostel (1952 – 1964)
  • Kennion House (1955 – 1982)
  • St Mary’s Mission of Hope (1904 – 1978)
  • The Babies Home Walkerville (1912 – 1945)
  • Girls Friendly Society Lodge (1913 – 1975)
  • The House of Mercy (1881 – 1974)
  • St Francis House (1946 – 1959)

The collection also includes records about organisations which were involved in providing accomodation and other services:

  • Church of England/Anglican Social Welfare Bureau (1947 – 1997)
  • Girls Friendly Society (1875 – )

There are also records about these and other Church of England and Anglican institutions at State Library of South Australia, State Library of New South Wales – Mitchell Library, Anglican Board of Mission Australia and in private hands (ie John P McD Smith).

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