• Archival Collection

Records of the North Coast Children's Home

To access these records

Please contact Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation (CASPA):

Postal Address: PO Box 780, Lismore NSW 2480

Phone: (02) 6621 5446

Email: admin@caspa.asn.au

Website: https://caspa.org.au/


The records in this archival collection relate to the North Coast Children’s Home later known as the Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation (CASPA). The records in this archival collection are dated from 1922 and held by the Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation (CASPA). The collection comprises two volumes and a small number of cards.

Access Conditions

People wishing to access records in this collection should contact the Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation (CASPA). People who experienced ‘care’ at the North Coast Children’s Home may access records that contain information about themselves. However people should be aware that information about some individuals may be missing. If people wish to access records with information in them about somebody else, they should obtain permission from the person the records are about first. If this is not possible because the person has passed away, they should provide proof of their relationship with the person whose information is in the records and their right to access information about them.


According to Connecting Kin – Guide to records, a book published in September 1998, pages 112 – 113 the records in this collection “contain information about the admission of children or youths to the North Coast Children’s Home, including: name; date of birth; parents names and addresses; date of admission and date of discharge. Up until 1950 there are some admission cards annotated with information about the child. From 1950 to 1989, the admissions and discharges are recorded in a small note book with some brief notes. From 1989 the information is recorded in an admission register which includes information about parents as well as the children.”

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