Please contact the Archivist at Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand Provincialate (Good Sheperd Archive):
Postal address: PO Box 182, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Phone: 1800 812 702
Email: – for Archives, Research, Legal and Redress enquiries – for Former Residents and their families
These records are held by Good Shepherd Archive (1983 - current).
The Records of the the Good Shepherd Sisters, New South Wales date from 1913 to 1981 and includes records related to the Home of the Good Shepherd, Ashfield, Rosemount, and Toongabbie. The records are held by Good Shepherd Archives in Abbotsford, Victoria.
Care leavers (and their families) wanting to find information about their time in care, or access personal files can contact the Good Shepherd Heritage Engagement Program..
This is a free service that helps individuals access information about themselves or family members, as well as providing support if required. Heritage Engagement Program staff prefer to release records to past residents or their family members in person, where possible, in order to give greater meaning and context to the information.
Home of the Good Shepherd, Ashfield
Admission & Discharge Registers 1913 to 1969
There are 4 volumes of registers. The information in these registers includes: dates of admission and discharge; name, age and date of birth of the child; names of parents or guardian; and the reason for admission.
The Good Shepherd Archive also holds a number of supplementary records for the Home of the Good Shepherd including: case files and admission cards. The collection also includes cards recording maintenance payments for residents placed after 1968. These cards have a date range of 1969 up to 1975, when the Convent was closed and Rosemount residential programme for teenage girls was established.
In addition to the Admission and Discharge Registers for Rosemount, the Good Shepherd Archive also holds a number of supplementary records, including: case files and admission cards. The collection also contains cards recording maintenance payments.
A register book of admissions and discharges is available, covering the period the Toongabbie home operated, from 1948 to 1961.
Contextual records held at Good Shepherd Archive include histories, a news clipping collection and photographs of the site and buildings.
A number of photographs taken at Good Shepherd Convents across Australia were scanned and indexed during 2018-2019. If you are interested in viewing these photos you are welcome to make an appointment with the Heritage Engagement program staff.