Please contact the Registrar, Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn:
Postal Address: GPO Box 1981, Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: (02) 6245 7101
These records are held by Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (1863 - current).
This archival collection contains records related to the Bungarimbil Adolescent and Family Care Program which includes a temporary foster care program, a youth support program, a community placement program, a children’s centre, a community centre and a counselling service. Records in this collection may also relate to the Bungarimbil Boys’ Home which operated from 1957 to 1983, and a residential care unit which operated from 1989 to 1996. All of these programs were, and are, run by Anglicare Services of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
For access to these records please contact the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn. Access to records in this collection is available to people who experienced ‘care’ through Bungarimbil. Information may be released to immediate family members if they can show proof of identity and, where possible, have consent from the person the record relates too.
This archival collection has been broken up into three archival series or groups of records:
Bungarimbil Boys’/Children’s Home: Client files and admission register (1957 – 1983)
The records in this series contain information about people who experienced ‘care’ at Bungarimbil Boys’ Home and Bungarimbil Children’s Home including: child’s name and date of birth; admission date; discharge date and details of discharge; parents’ names and address; child’s medical history; child’s legal status; reason for admission; school attended and school reports; particulars of siblings; and place of birth.
Residential Care Unit: Client files (1989 – 1996)
This series contains client files relating to children who were admitted to the Bungarimbil Residential Care Unit between 1989 and 1996. Records in this series include referral notices, assessment details, admission forms and details, parent and adolescent contracts, case plans, case consultations, quality reports, daily reports and after care plans.
Temporary Foster Care: Client files and referral records (1997 – )
Records in this series include information about people who experienced foster ‘care’ through the Temporary Foster Care program such as their name, date of birth, family situation (sibilings and parents details) legal status as well as general case plans and file notes including discharge dates and details.