• Archival Collection

Records held by Presbyterian Social Services

To access these records

Please contact Jericho Road (Presbyterian Social Services):

Address: 8 Perry Street, Dundas Valley, NSW 2117

Phone: 1300 5374246

Email: info@jerichoroad.org.au

Website: https://jerichoroad.org.au/get-in-touch/

Records Location


Records held by Presbyterian Social Services include casework files for all youths who resided at Kyle Williams Home, New Anchor and Cornerstone since 1988. The files contain information about the youth including: name; date of birth; names of parents and siblings; family background information; reason for entering the residential unit; referral details; counselling information; case conference notes; etc. Presbyterian Social Services also maintains a comprehensive computerised database containing key information on all youths who have resided in the three units since 1988.

Access Conditions

For access to these records please contact Presbyterian Social Services. Access to information contained in these records is restricted to the person to whom the information relates. As many of the residents have been wards placed by the Department of Community Services, access is usually granted after consultation with the Department. Access is generally supervised, and the client provided with some preparatory counselling.

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