• Archival Series

Record of Cases Heard in Children's Court, Devonport Magistrates Court

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: Tasmanian Archives Series Number, LC125

Records Location


The Record of Cases Heard in Children’s Court dates from 1909 to 1981. It concerns cases that came before the Devonport Children’s Court. The record contains the case number, the name of the defendant and magistrate, the complaint, plea, witnesses, and decision.

Access Conditions

These records were deposited at the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office in two consignments. The first, which goes up to 1955, is on open access, and can be accessed by contacting Tasmanian Archives. The second is closed for 75 years from the last entry. People who wish to access their personal records should contact the Department of Justice for permission. Staff at the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office may be able to assist you in finding other relevant records.

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