• Archival Item

Record Book, Dora Turner School

To access these records

Please contact Research Enquiries, Tasmanian Archives:

Postal address: 91 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000

Phone: (03) 6165 5538 or (03) 6165 5541

Website: https://libraries.tas.gov.au/get-help/help-with-research-and-finding-information/

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: Tasmanian Archives Item Number, ED313/3

Records Location

These records are held by Tasmanian Archives (2011 - current).


The Record Books for Dora Turner School date from 1924 to 1990. They contain the names of girls with their grades in reading, writing, dictation, composition, and arithmetic. Occasionally it gives IQs. At times it notes absences, for instance because the girl was ill or at the Sunshine Home. Some girls from the Industrial School for Girls – Hobart attended the Girls’ Welfare School (later the Dora Turner School), so there may be information about them in the Record Book.

Access Conditions

These records are open and accessible to the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives.

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