
The Raymond Terrace Home was established by the State Children’s Relief Department in 1913. It was for boys who were defined at the time as being ‘feeble-minded’ and replaced the Private Probationary Home at Dora Creek. It also included boys who, for various reasons, were considered unable to be placed with other children. It held around 30 boys, under the supervision of a married couple. Raymond Terrace Home is thought to have closed around 1930.

Raymond Terrace was opened in October 1913. It was a cottage home, where boys worked and lived in a team with an individual farmer. It was intended for boys who were considered ‘of feeble intellect’ and included children who were ‘truants’ or ‘habitual wanderers’ or were described as ‘moral degenerates.’

Like the Probationary Farm Home at Toronto, on the Central Coast, Raymond Terrace also took boys who had extremely serious problems of a moral, sexual or psychological nature, and who could not be placed with other children.

The State Children’s Relief Board Annual Report of 1916 described the way the home at Raymond Terrace worked, and gives an insight into what happened to them after they left:

This Home was opened in October, 1913, under the immediate supervision of a married couple. It replaced the Private Probationary Home at Dora Creek, the boys therein being transferred to the new Home. On the 5th April 1916, there were 29 boys in the Home; during the year under review 31 were admitted and 28 discharged, leaving 32 in the Home at the close of the official year. The boys in the Home are more or less mentally weak; some are of very feeble intellect. The numbers include 6 truants or habitual wanderers, 1 aboriginal, 2 cripples, 10 moral degenerates. The lads’ general health and conduct have been good. Ten boys attended school full time, and 6 older boys who are backward and willing to learn go half time. Boys discharged in the district who are in situations have been visited four times during the year; 4 have been discharged, over age, and placed in situations; 3 boarded out, 6 discharged to relatives, 3 were sent to sea, 1 to Rookwood Asylum, 4 to the Boys’ Shelter, Sydney; 1 was found employment in a coal-mine, and 3 placed in situations locally, 3 absconded and were subsequently sent to Gosford Farm Home.

Of the boys now at work, 8 are in tailor’s shop, 8 are engaged in bootmaking, 2 at carpentering, 4 at toy-making, 2 at gardening, 2 at wood-chopping, and 4 at indoor work.

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  • Alternative Names

    Home for Feeble-Minded Boys Raymond Terrace


  • 1913 - 1930

    Raymond Terrace Home was situated at Raymond Terrace, New South Wales (Building State unknown)

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