Please contact the State Library of Western Australia:
Postal address: 25 Francis Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9427 3111
Quote this number to access your records: State Library of Western Australia Call Number, J400494
These records are part of State Film Archives Collection (1907 - current).
Raymond O. Davidson personal film [motion picture]: Swan Homes field day, official opening of Lee-Steere House Oct. 2nd., 1949 is held in the State Film Archives Collection at the State Library of Western Australia. The film shows the opening of Lee-Steere House on the Swan Homes campus. There are children in the film, along with adults including: Archbishop Moline, Lady Lee-Steere, Roy Peterkin, A.A. Robinson and radio personality, Dick Fair.
This item is open and accessible by the public. For access to this item please contact State Library of Western Australia.