Please contact the AskUs service at the State Library of South Australia:
Postal Address: GPO Box 419, Adelaide SA 5001
Phone: (08) 7424 6300 or SA country callers 1800 182 013
Quote this number to access your records: State Library of South Australia Archival Number, SRG 94/W83
These records are held by State Library of South Australia.
Records of the Anglican Church’s Poonindie Mission (based around St Matthew’s Church), comprising financial records, records relating to wool sales, monthly pay sheets, reports from the medical officer and school master, annual reports and balance sheets, quarterly native residents’ returns, correspondence and printed reports.
For access to many Anglican records held at the State Library of South Australia, you will need permission from Anglicare SA. This is called ‘mediated access’. Records which require mediated access are clearly identified in the State Library catalogue and/or findings aids and State Library staff will also be able to advise you if this is necessary.
Mediated access is required when records contain personal information about individuals whose privacy needs to be protected.
For access to Anglican records a written application to Anglicare SA is required. You will also need to provide proof of your identity. If you are requesting access to records about someone else, permission from that person or other evidence of eligibility to access that information must be provided. If you need a copy of the records ensure that you include this in your request.