Please contact the State Library of Western Australia:
Postal address: 25 Francis Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9427 3111
Quote this number to access your records: State Library of Western Australia Call Number, BA269
These records are held by State Library of Western Australia (c. 1889 - current).
Photographs relating to life at Salvation Army children’s homes in Cottesloe and Subiaco is a collection of 40 negatives, 13 copy negatives and 2 photographic prints relating to the Salvation Army children’s homes in Cottesloe (girls) and Subiaco/Nedlands (boys). The collection is held by the State Library of Western Australia.
These photographs are open and accessible by the public. According to the State Library of Western Australia, these photographs are available online. However, you need to send a request to view them.