• Archival Series

Personal Record Cards (dates uncertain), St Joseph's Home for Children, Croydon

To access these records

Please contact Family Spirit Adoption Services:

Postal address: Suite 301, Level 3, 2-14 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW, 2220

Phone: (02) 8709 9333

Email: adoptions@familyspirit.org

Website: https://www.familyspirit.org/

Records Location

These records are held by Family Spirit (2018 - current).


Personal Record Cards (dates uncertain) is an archival series relating to St Joseph’s Home, Croydon. The cards were filled out for each child, under regulations 47A (w)(i) and 47B (g)(i) of the Child Welfare Act 1939. They record the following: name; date and place of birth; religion; where baptised; father’s name and address; mother’s name and address, including maiden name; details of any step-parents; by whom the child’s admission to the home was arranged; the date and circumstances surrounding the child’s admission, including details of any court order; particulars of any maintenance order and details of any maintenance agreement. On the reverse of the card the following information is recorded: date of discharge; to whom discharged and address on discharge. There is also a medical record for the child: physical condition of child on admission; if parent’s consent is held for anaesthetics, operations, blood transfusions, immunisations and vaccinations; an immunisation record; and any other pertinent medical information.

Access Conditions

For access to these records please contact Family Spirit. Physical access to the original records is not possible due to their fragility and the need to protect the privacy of others mentioned in the records.


These records have not been fully listed or catalogued, so the date range is unknown.

These records were previously in the custody of the Archives of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph, in New South Wales. The records were subsequently transferred to CatholicCare Bankstown in 2012. In 2018, the records were held by Family Spirit.

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