• Archival Series

Patient Files-Maternity, Meercroft Hospital and Devon Public Hospital [no longer available]


The Patient Files-Maternity dated from 1950 to 1958. They came from the Meercroft Hospital in Devonport and the Devon Public Hospital in Latrobe. The files were selected from the patient records of the Mersey General Hospital, which succeeded the other two Hospitals, because their Labour Ward Books for this period could not be found.

Access Conditions

In March 2025 Find & Connect was advised by Tasmanian Archives that these Patient Files had been destroyed in accordance with Tasmanian Hospital Retention and Disposal Schedules (these schedules provide guidelines for how long records should be kept, and when they can be destroyed). As such, these records no longer exist and are not available. Tasmanian Archives does hold other records from Meercroft Hospital and Devon Public Hospital from this period, such as admission registers.

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