Please contact Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS):
Postal address: GPO Box 553, Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: (02) 6246 1111
Quote this number to access your records: AIATSIS call number, MS 5150
These records are held by Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (1964 - current).
Pallottine Mission, Tardun WA, student records 1948-2004 is a collection held by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) in Canberra. Its AIATSIS call number is MS 5150. It contains student files relating to the Pallottine Mission and school/s at Tardun, WA.
This collection is closed to the general public. For people for whom there is a record in the collection, the records are available to them, or to their nominated delegate or a member of their family. For access to these records please contact AIATSIS.
This collection contains student files relating to the Pallottine Mission and school/s at Tardun WA. As well as the mission schools, there are papers in the files relating to other schools
which the students attended while staying at the Pallottine Mission/ Wandalgu Hostel.
Entries for students include, where possible: Student’s name, date/s of admission and discharge from school, correspondence dates, student’s date of birth, birth certificate or extract of entry, father’s name, mother’s name, indication of whether they are foster parents, names of siblings if mentioned in the file, name of school/hostel attended or enrolled in, whether the student was a State Ward, and notes made by the archivist [enclosed in square
Sensitive information: Some files contain material that could possibly be distressing to a client or their family members. This material has been left in situ and put into an envelope or into a folded piece of paper and identified as sensitive. This material may be court appearances, newspaper articles about criminal proceedings, allegations, abuse and assault.
The collection has been fully indexed; however the index will not be published because of the volume of personal and private information listed.
AIATSIS has published a short finding aid to indicate the context and scope of the collection and to indicate how people searching for these records might obtain access.