
Outreach Incorporated

Outreach Incorporated was a voluntary organisation formed in Canberra in 1967. From 1968, it ran a hostel in Lyneham for adolescent boys and, from 1969, a hostel for girls in Curtin. Residents were supervised by ‘house parents’. During 1974-1975, Outreach Incorporated was dissolved and responsibility for the hostels was assumed by a committee under the…

Territory Records Office, Australian Capital Territory

The Territory Records Office is responsible for the production of recordkeeping standards and guidelines, and for the provision of recordkeeping assistance and advice to government agencies in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). It includes Archives ACT, which is responsible for administering public access to the records of the ACT Government. The Territory Records Office was…

Stolen Generations

The Stolen Generations are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who, when they were children, were taken away from their families and communities as the result of past government policies. Children were removed by governments, churches and welfare bodies to be brought up in institutions, fostered out or adopted by white families. The removal of…

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Australian Capital Territory

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS) is part of the Office for Children Youth and Family Support within the Community Services Directorate. The ATSIS unit was established in 2005. It administers a range of program initiatives and also provides advice on policy and procedural issues across the Office for Children Youth and Family Support…

Welfare Section, Australian Capital Territory

The Welfare Section of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government was the agency responsible for the welfare of children in the ACT from 1968, though the Section was established in 1957. Before 1968, child welfare in the ACT was the responsibility of the Child Welfare Department of the New South Wales Government. In 1970 the…

Department of the Capital Territory, Australian Government

The Department of the Capital Territory was formed in 1972. It took over some of the functions of the Department of the Interior, and oversaw the Welfare Branch (ACT), which was established in 1970. In 1983 the Department of the Capital Territory became the Department of Territories and Local Government. The Department of Capital Territory…

Department of Territories and Local Government, Australian Government

The Department of Territories and Local Government was established in 1983 to oversee the administration of the Australian Capital Territory. It included the previous Department of Capital Territory and was divided into six divisions. In 1984 the Department of Territories and Local Government split into the Department of Territories (1984-1987) and the Department of Local…

Community Services Division, Australian Capital Territory

The Community Services Division was one of six divisions of the Department of Territories and Local Government from 1983. The Community Services Division had three branches, including the Welfare Branch, which dealt with the care of families in crisis, adoption and children in out-of-home care. By 1987 the Community Services Division, including the Welfare Branch,…

Welfare Branch, Australian Capital Territory

The Welfare Branch of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) was previously known as the Welfare Section. By 1983 the Welfare Branch was one of three branches of the Community Services Division. The Welfare Branch dealt with the care of families in crisis, adoption and children in out-of-home care. By 1987 the Community Services Division, including…

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services, Australian Capital Territory

The Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services was replaced by the Community Services Directorate on 1 July 2011.