The full title of the Adoption Amendment Act 2009 (No 2) (Act no. 36/2009) was ‘An Act to amend the Adoption Act 1993, and for other purposes’. Sections 1 and 2 of the Act commenced on 22 October 2009, the remainder on 22 April 2010. The 2009 Act was repealed by the Legislation Act 2001…
The full title of the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Act 1988 (Act no. 4/1988) was ‘An Ordinance to amend the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965’. It was notified on 9 March 1988, became effective on 26 April 1988, and was repealed by the Adoption Act 1993 on 31 July 1993. This ordinance became an ACT…
The Adoption of Children (Amendment) Act 1991 (Act no. 71/1991) was ‘An Act to amend the Adoption of Children Act 1965’. Section 2 of the 1991 Act commenced on 7 November 1991, and was repealed by the Adoption Act 1993 on 31 July 1993.
The Adoption of Children (Amendment) Ordinance 1979 (Act no. 5/1979) was an amending act of the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965. It was notified and commenced on 21 March 1979 and was repealed by the Adoption Act 1993 on 31 July 1993. This ordinance became an ACT Act on 11 May 1989 (see Australian Capital…
Adoption of Children Ordinance 1940 (Act no. 2/1940) was an amending act to the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1938. It commenced on 15 February 1940 and was repealed by the Adoption of Children Act 1965 on 8 October 1966.
The Adoption of Children (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 (Act no. 42/1983) was an amending act to the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Ordinance 1983. It was notified on 29 September 1983, commenced on 1 October 1983 and was repealed by the Adoption Act 1993 on 31 July 1993. This ordinance became an ACT Act on 11 May…
The Deserted Wives and Children Ordinance 1941 (Act no. 2/1941) is an amendment of the 1932 Deserted Wives and Children Ordinance 1932. This ordinance originally amended the Deserted Wives and Children Act 1901 of New South Wales. Full title: To amend the Deserted Wives and Children Act, 1901, of the State of New South Wales,…
With the Maintenance Act 1968 (Act no. 20, 1968), the Commonwealth introduced a comprehensive law relating to the maintenance of spouse and children. The Maintenance Ordinance 1968 was notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 30 September 1968 (Cwlth Gaz 1968 No 80), becoming effective on 1 January 1969. It was repealed by Law Reform (Miscellaneous…
The full title of the Aborigines Welfare Repeal Ordinance 1965 (Act no. 16/1965) was ‘An Ordinance to repeal the Aborigines Welfare Ordinance 1954’. It removed discriminatory provisions relating to persons of Aboriginal descent. It commenced on 11 November 1965, and was repealed by the Acts Revision Act 1977 on 22 December 1977.
The full title of the Juvenile Offenders (Detention) Ordinance 1935 (Act no. 4/1935) is ‘An Ordinance to provide for the Detention in State Institutions of Uncontrollable Children and Juvenile Offenders, and for other purposes’. It commenced on 28 February 1935 and was amended in 1936 (Act no. 28/1936). The Juvenile Offenders (Detention) Ordinance was repealed…