This is a photograph of the main building of Our Lady’s Orphanage, later known as st Catherine’s Orphanage, at Aphrasia Street, Newtown, Geelong. It shows a medium sized two-storey bluestone building with the main driveway leading up to it, and with a long single-storey range extending off to one side.
From the Collection: The biggest family album in Australia.
Black and white photoprint of the impressive two-storey buildings (since demolished) owned by the Try Society in Cromwell Road. A horse and jinker stands in the foreground. The Society was founded and managed by Mr William Forster.
Extensive historical notes on verso of backing sheet: Melbourne is well served by her institutions for the care of orphan children. Here are some of the inmates of the Presbyterian Babies Home in Lansdowne Street, East Melbourne. The chapel in the background of the picture is that of Scotch College, which for many years was…