
150 years of children in care in Victoria, 150 years of MacKillop Family Services

This is a copy of a Wall Chart produced by MacKillop Family Services to document its involvement in the child welfare sector from 1855-2005.

Anglican Mission to the Streets and Lanes. Outline History

This outline history of the Anglican Mission to the Streets and Lanes is presented in the form of a timeline.

Scrap album

Collection of newsclippings, believed to have been compiled by an employee of the Neglected Children’s Department. The articles are about child welfare issues, primarily in Victoria but also in other states and nations. This album would have been a resource for the department’s staff, providing information about how their own work was being portrayed in…

Burwood Boys’ Home

‘Conditions and rules for adopting children by the Victorian Infant Asylum’

This is a copy of a form used by the Victorian Infant Asylum (a predecessor of Berry Street). The form was to be filled out by prospective adoptive parents.

Our children and their holiday hosts

This article, written by Barbara Moore (social worker) on the needs and responsibilities of holiday hosts, was published in the Mission of St James and St John’s journal, The Brothers.

Family group cottage in course of construction

This photograph (of Blackburn South Cottages) was published in the Mission of St James and St John’s journal, The Brothers.

Behind the scenes at Blackburn South

This article, which discusses the Blackburn South Cottages, was published in the Mission of St James and St John’s journal, The Brothers.

Dedication and official opening of the Blackburn South Cottages

This article was published in the Mission of St James and St John’s journal, The Brothers.

Healthy members of St Luke’s Family, Bendigo

This photograph was published in the Mission of St James and St John’s journal, The Brothers.