This image is one of 5 digitised photographs of Travancore available through PROV’s photostream on Flickr. This image is part of a series (VPRS 10516) of photographic negatives and prints created by the Victorian Department of Public Works.
This is an image of Orana at Burwood. It shows six children standing in the grounds of the Orana complex, with four of the cottages visible in the background.
This document contains extracts from and covers of several Kildonan Annual Reports. It includes most of the 1957 Kildonan Annual Report.
Shows children at ‘Orana’ in bed.
Albert Godbehere, superintendent of the Tally Ho Boys’ Village, wrote the report on the fire, which occurred on Tuesday 21 January 1964.
Orphanage located at 179-197 Napier St and 114-128 Raglan St and 25 Church St, South Melbourne. This image is one of a series of images available from the Victorian Heritage Register.
This is a copy of an image published in The Argus on Monday 10 December 1945. The image shows the Home that will become the next Melbourne Legacy Home. Caption reads, ‘Gift from the Victorian Red Cross to the Legacy Club, this house, Stanhope, at the corner of Burke and Cotham roads, Kew, will be…