
Two-way Cool-off [Nazareth House, Ballarat]

This is a copy of a newspaper clipping from 1963 or 1964, showing a group of children from Nazareth House, Ballarat, who were at a swimming pool. Gabrielle Short, a former resident of Nazareth House, kindly supplied this image to Find & Connect. She wrote this about the photograph: “This photo was another display of…

Nazareth House Christmas Concert

The former resident who supplied this photo included the following description: This photo was taken in December 1963 just before the annual Christmas Concert. The Bishop of Ballarat Bishop Collins used to attend, he used to sit at the front in the middle, and as our names were called out to receive a Christmas present…

Janefield Training Centre

This is a copy of a photograph of Janefield Training Centre, taken from a publication by the Mental Health Authority.

Entry to the Baltara Reception Centre

This is a copy of a photograph on the Finding Records website, from around the 1970s.

Mural within the Winlaton Training Centre compound

This is a copy of an image of a ‘public images’ mural in the Winlaton compound. According to the ‘Finding Records’ website, the mural was painted by staff and young women in 1983. The project was funded by the Victorian Ministry for the Arts.

Swinburne House, Victorian Children’s Aid Society, Leonard Street, Parkville, Victoria.

This is a copy of a photograph from 1965 held by the University of Melbourne Archives, showing the Victorian Children’s Aid Society Home in Parkville.

Matron Buivids with some of her ‘family’ of migrant children at the Lutheran Peace Memorial Home

This is a copy of a photograph published in The Age in 1954, showing a group of residents and the Matron, posing in the garden of the Lutheran Children’s Home.

Nunawading Youth Residential Centre, 1993

This is a copy of a photograph published on the Finding Records website, on the page ‘Nunawading Youth Residential Centre history in brief’, showing the front entrance.

Leawarra Hostel, Nunawading Youth Residential Centre. Photograph taken during the closure of Nunawading Youth Residential Centre, 1993

This is a copy of a photograph published on the Finding Records website, on the page ‘Nunawading Youth Residential Centre history in brief’.

Royal Park, training school and benevolent home for homeless children 1874-5

This is a copy of a photograph of buildings that once were the Royal Park Industrial School (and after that housed other institutions).