61 Albion Street Annandale c. 1970
Carramar maternity home in Turramurra, from ABC Four Corners 1965-1966. In 1966 the ABC Four Corners television programme visited Carramar, as part of a story on adoption and footage from the Home was featured in a 2012 Four Corners story about forced adoptions.
Caption taken from YouTube: Abandon All Hope is the first documented history of the Parramatta Girls Home – a project made possible through the Parrastories Heritage and Stories fund, Parramatta City Council. Until now the story of this State operated welfare institution has remained relatively unknown. The document examines the site’s archaeological heritage together with…
Four Corners report into forced adoptions in Australia. States that, over five decades in the 20th century, thousands of women gave up their newborn children for adoption. While they were supposed to make their decision freely, many claim they were coerced, bullied and their children were effectively stolen.
This is a digital copy of an image in the Protestant Children’s Home collection in the Canterbury Bankstown City Library Image Collection. The description given states ‘NSW Protestant Federation Home, 50 Garnet Street, Hurlstone Park.’
This silent footage was produced by Burnside Homes to promote the work of the Homes and raise funds. It shows the Homes’ association with the Presbyterian Church and how some children from poor families in the inner suburbs of Sydney were taken to Burnside Homes by Reverend Scott of the Presbyterian Metropolitan Mission. It shows…
Reproduced by ABC Investigations Unit, with permission from Family and Community Services NSW. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.