

This image was included on a real estate listing of the building that Brougham had previously operated in.

The Drummond Far West Home, Wentworth St, Manly

This image shows the outside of Royal Far West. This image is no longer in operation, this link has been taken from the WayBack Machine and was dated 12 February 2014.

Crowds listening to speakers

This image shows the opening of the Drummond Wing, Royal Far West Children’s Home. The image is from Sam Hood’s news photo series, Far West Children’s Home, Manly.

Heritage Awards 2003 winner of Best Maintained Heritage Property.

This images shows the outside of Dunmore House. It was published on, however is no longer available via that site.

Stepney Causeway

The original caption for the image reads: No. 18 opened December 1870 as a home for working and homeless boys. 1908 provided a trade and general education. Closed 1922/23. This webpage is no longer in operation. this URL is taken from the wayback machine and is dated 13 June 2018.

Waterfall Sanatorium

This image shows a range of buildings at Waterfall Sanatorium.

T.B. Hospital at Waterfall

This image shows buildings at the Waterfall Sanatorium.

[Family group on verandah of Manager’s Cottage at Scheyville Training Farm]

This is a photograph of the Manager’s Cottage at Scheyville Training Farm. It shows a large single-storey weatherboard cottage behind a white picket fence. A man on a horse and a car sit outside the house, and another three adults and two young children are standing on the verandah.

CLAN postcard “Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse”

This is an image of a postcard printed by CLAN as part of its campaign for a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse. This postcard was addressed to the Premier of Victoria.

[Manager’s Cottage and Post Office at Scheyville Training Farm]

This is a photograph of the Manager’s Cottage and Post Office at Scheyville Training Farm. It shows a large single-storey weatherboard cottage behind a white picket fence. Three boys, a dog, and a man are standing at the gate to the cottage.