This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This is a photograph of Peat Island. It shows the entirety of the island sitting within the Hawkesbury River, with institution buildings visible in the centre of the island, and boats moored at the dock. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This photograph shows part of the mental health institution at Peat Island/Rabbit Island. It shows two large brick buildings and a small rotunda at the top of a steep bank leading down to the Hawkesbury River. Four people stand on a path in front of the buildings. This photo is undated, the date included is…
This image was included on a real estate listing of the building that Brougham had previously operated in.
This image was included on a real estate listing of the building that Brougham had previously operated in.
This image shows the outside of Ormond, Thornleigh.
This image shows the dining room of Ormond, Thornleigh.
This image was included on a real estate listing of the building that Brougham had previously operated in.
This image shows the outside of Royal Far West. This image is no longer in operation, this link has been taken from the WayBack Machine and was dated 12 February 2014.
This image shows the opening of the Drummond Wing, Royal Far West Children’s Home. The image is from Sam Hood’s news photo series, Far West Children’s Home, Manly.