
The Minister for Child Welfare opens Weroona on 7 March 1959 [the official reopening of Weroona]

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1959.

Ballet at Thornbury Lodge

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1968.

Thornbury Lodge girls come home from school

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1968.

At work on a school project at Thornbury Lodge

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1961.

“Thornbury Lodge”: A new home for Pre-school children

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1958.

Future Citizens – “Thornbury Lodge”

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1958.

Mustering the beef herd at St Heliers, Muswellbrook, a training school for the more amenable delinquent boys [original caption]

This is a scan of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department Annual Report of 1966. The rest of the caption reads ‘In addition to Hereford cattle, St Heliers has a Guernsey herd and dairy, Corriedale sheep, a piggery, poultry run, and several acres under cultivation, providing occupational training in many aspects of…

Reiby School for Girls

This image is from the cover of a 1978 NSW Treasury report into the costs of building and maintaining NSW Child Welfare Department buildings.