
Social workers playing with State wards at Montrose C.L.P.U., Burwood

This is a copy of an image in the State Library of New South Wales collection taken at Montrose Child Protection Centre on 26th of February 1980. Please note that the State Library of New South Wales collection includes more digitised images of Montrose Child Protection Centre taken by the Government Printing Office, including images…

Rotherwood has been designed to provide a number of sun traps against the Mittagong winter. This patio is conducive to relaxed family living.

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1969.

Turner Cottage. Attractive spacious grounds are a feature of the ward cottages at Mittagong

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1963.

Turner Cottage boys returning home from school (Mittagong Cottage Homes)

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1966.

A pleasant recreation room at Rotherwood

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1969.

Manual training class at Toombong School

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1959.

Children from Garran, Rotherwood, Suttor and Renwick Cottages benefit from co-education at Southwood School, Mittagong

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1970.

Houseparents and boys at “Rowe”, the newest of the cottages at the Training School for Boys, Mittagong

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1967.

Toombong School – library class

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1959.

Training School for Boys, Mittagong: Drum and Bugle Band

This is a copy of an image that appeared in the Child Welfare Department of New South Wales Annual Report of 1958.