
The quarters, Yanco Experimental Farm

This image predates the Riverina Welfare Farm for Boys, but the buildings were the same.

Preschool centre for state wards, Guildford

The image shows a bedroom for toddlers within McCredie Cottage.

Newcastle Crippled Children’s Homes at Belmont. Opening by Minister for Lands, Mr Hawkins

This image shows the gardens and part of the house of the Belmont Crippled Children’s Home.

Belmont Crippled Children’s Home

This image shows children holding hands on the lawn outside the Belmont Cripple Children’s Home.

[Cootamundra Training Home for Girls – back view]

This is a photograph of children at the back of the Cootamundra Training Home for Girls. It shows approximately 25 girls sitting and standing beside water tanks in a gravel yard behind the Training Home.

[Cootamundra Training Home for Girls – school]

This is a photograph of children besides the school house at the Cootamundra Training Home for Girls. It shows approximately 25 girls sitting and standing beside a tree behind the school-house at the Training Home. The girls appear to be wearing a uniform of patterned long-sleeved dresses. A barbed wire fence sits between the girls…

[Cootamundra Training Home for Girls – Dormitory]

This is a photograph of a dormitory at Cootamundra Training Home. It shows 14 metal framed beds in three rows in a large high-ceilinged room. The only other furnishings visible in the room are two small chairs next to the fireplace.