
“Cooinoo” – Home for Destitute Girls – Your Money is the Answer to this Prayer

“Cooinoo” – Home for Destitute Girls – Your Money Is the Answer to This Prayer was a flyer produced by the Home. It contains staged pictures of some the children who attended and provides brief information about how people’s donations could assist those children in the Home. A copy of this flyer was supplied to…

Catherine Hayes Hospital, Asylum for Destitute Children, Randwick

The Catherine Hayes Hospital was the hospital built within the grounds of Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children. It was opened in 1870. This image is a copy taken from John Ramsland’s Children of the back lanes: destitute and neglected children in colonial New South Wales. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.

The Main Building, Asylum for Destitute Children, Randwick

This image is a copy taken from John Ramsland’s Children of the back lanes: destitute and neglected children in colonial New South Wales. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.

Ormond House, Paddington

This is a picture of Ormond House in Paddington, the first location of the Asylum for Destitute Children. This image is a copy taken from John Ramsland’s Children of the back lanes: destitute and neglected children in colonial New South Wales.

Atherstone House, Nicholson Parade, Cronulla, NSW

This is a copy of an image of Atherstone House published in Barnardos Down Under, No 59 December 2014. The caption reads “Opened 1962 as a family group home. Closed 1977.”

Children at the Infants’ Home in the late 1890s

This is a copy of an image published on the Infants’ Home website.

The original Gorton House in Ashfield

This is a copy of an image published on the Infants’ Home website.

Mittagong Training School

This is a copy of an image showing boys playing sport at Mittagong Training School for Boys.