This is an image that was published in an article in the Goulburn Evening Post in 1934 about the Mount Arcadia Children’s Home in North Parramatta.
This image shows the Beverley Park Home when it was used by the New South wales Society for Crippled Children as holiday and respite accommodation for children with disabilities.
This is a copy of an image that was published in the real estate section of the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader on 14 March 2014. The property was auctioned on 29 March 2014.
This is a video with footage of the Daruk Training School at the time it opened in 1960.
This is a copy of a document from 1974, outlining the early morning routine at the Institution for Boys Tamworth. It was published in the thesis of Peter Quinn (2004), and was taken from the Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Malcolm Charles Smith, 1989, part of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths…
This is a copy of a phtoograph of Rehoboth which was published in Fight for Liberty and Freedom on p.46. Its caption reads: Rehoboth Aboriginal Girls’ Home, Homebush, 1924, was established by Elizabeth McKenzie Hatton. This was also the first home for the Australian Aborigines Progressive Association.
This is an illustration of Alexandra Rescue Home, Burwood Heights, that was published in The Methodist in December 1902
This is an image of a newspaper article from a Sydney newspaper which discusses the opening of Ruhamah in 1959.
This image shows Ruhamah Children’s Home with children and staff standing in front of the building. This image was donated by Allan Kelson and is from an old family slide/negative.