
Children on the verandah of Alexandra Home, Coorparoo, Brisbane, Queensland, 1921

This image was copied and digitised from an image appearing in The Queenslander, 12 March, 1921, page, 19. The Library description states: Children dressed in uniforms and hats are singing on the verandah of Alexandra Home, Coorparoo, Brisbane, Queensland. Double pillars and decorative iron work ballustrading are visible on the front of the verandah.

Devastation after the laundry boiler explosion at Mt St Canice, Hobart, 5 September 1974

This is a copy of an image published in the book, Pitch your tents on distant shores (2010)

The Salvation Army Girls’ Home at Glenroy – The Home

This is an image of the Glenroy Girls’ Home, run by the Salvation Army. This image shows at least 40 girls, all dressed in white pinafores, standing on the upper verandah of the home, which is a very large, ornate, two-storey house. More girls, similarly dressed, sit on the lawn in front of the house,…

Melbourne Protestant Orphan Asylum, Emerald Hill

This image is an engraving of the Melbourne Protestant Orphan Asylum created by Arthur Willmore in 1862. It shows a large number of children accompanied by several adults sitting and standing in front of a large, ornate, stone building.

Farewell to the Weerianna Hostel

This is an interview with Pastor David Stevens (who started the Weerianna Hostel with his wife Margaret), and their daughter Ruth, who spent 10 years living at the hostel as a child. The interview took place in the week prior to the demolition of the Weerianna Hostel, and is a reflection of the hostel between…

Time Line [Child and Family Services Ballarat]

This is a copy of a document from Child and Family Services Ballarat. It is a historical timeline of the Ballarat Orphanage and its previous and subsequent names, beginning in 1865, going up to 1994. The last page is a list of Superintendents and Secretary’s at the institution, from 1865 up to 1989.

Photograph – 261 Charles Street – Te Aro Villa, original South Launceston School, 1882, principal Mrs A Gye.

This is an image of Te Aro Villa at 261 Charles Street, Launceston, which, between 1895 and 1896, housed the Salvation Army Rescue Home. The photograph shows an ornate, two-storey house with a steep pitched roof. There is a sign in front of the house which reads “Launceston Wesleyan Chapel”.

Calisthenic exercises, Mt St Canice, Hobart, c.1950

This is a copy of an image published in the book, Pitch your tents on distant shores (2010)

The Murdoch Holiday Home at Huskisson, opened on Saturday 6th November, 1954

This is an image of the Murdoch Holiday Home at Huskisson, also known as the Burnside Holiday Home. This image was published in Burnside: 75 years of caring. This image is undated. The date included is an estimate.

View of “Brig House”

This is an image of Brig House, which was later purchased by the Red Cross Society and used as the Lady Norrie Junior Red Cross Children’s Home. It shows a large, ornate, house surrounded by gardens. Two children can be seen standing in the garden looking at the house. This image was published in the…