The library website includes the description: City views behind the Female Refuge and Infants’ Home on Turbot Street, looking towards St John’s Anglican Cathedral.
The library catalogue includes the following description: The memorial gates were erected by Mr Marr as part of the memorial. The building was completed in 1924.
The Library description states: Matron, sisters and children of the Queen Alexandra Home for children at Coorparoo, Brisbane, Queensland. Children are dressed in uniforms and day clothes.
This description was supplied with the photograph and included on the library website: The Queensland Home for Boys was opened and operated by the Salvation Army in 1903.
This description was supplied with the photograph and included on the library website: Groups of children from Nudgee Orphanage were immunised against Diphtheria. They totalled 600 and there were no ill effects. As a result of the favourable report, immunisation against Diphtheria was established in Queensland.
This description was supplied with the photograph and included in the library website: Originally the residence of the late J. W. Sutton, purchased by W. R. Black and opened on 24 November 1928 as the Presbyterian Home for Children.
This image was copied and digitised from an image appearing in The Queenslander, 12 March, 1921, page, 19.
This is a photograph of the clock tower at St. Huberts Vineyard, Coldstream, taken around 1950. It shows the clock tower. It had previously been part of the Church of England Boys Society Training Farm at Yering, also known as St. Huberts Training Farm. According to the Yarra Ranges Regional Museum this clock tower was…
This is an image of ‘Ashleigh’, a large house in Widford Street, Glenroy which housed the Salvation Army Glenroy Girls’ Home from 1902 to 1915. The house was later renamed ‘Sunnilands’.