
Dagmar House 1935

The caption included with the image states: Dagmar House 1935. Qld Parliamentary Papers 1913.

Superintendent’s Residence 1909

The caption included with this image states: Superintendent’s Residence 1909. Qld Parliamentary Paper 1909.

View of the Asylum from Warwick Road c1930

The caption included with this image states: View of the Asylum from Warwick Road c1930. Source Unknown.

Female 1 (Alison House) 1911

The caption included with this image states: Female 1 (Alison House) 1911. Qld Parliamentary Paper 1911.

Radial Plan 1936

This image shows the radial plan for Ipswich Hospital for the Insane. The caption included with this image states: Radial Plan 1936. Qld Parliamentary Paper 1936.

Construction of New Buildings 1913

This image refers to the construction of new buildings at the Ipswich Hospital for the Insane in 1913. The caption included with the image states: From left: Sewing Room, Administration Building, Kitchen and Laundry. Qld Parliamentary Papers 1913.

Administration Building 1915

This image shows the Administration Building for Ipswich Hospital for the Insane in 1915. It was included in the University of Queensland’s Ipswich Campus Progression of an Institution online exhibition stating its source as Queensland Parliamentary Papers 1915.

Frederick Marsden Youth Centre

The Frederick Marsden Youth Centre was previously the Marsden Home for Boys, Kallangur.