
Part of a panorama of Brisbane viewed from Eildon Hill, ca. 1900

The library catalogue includes this description: Eildon Hill is situated in the suburb of Windsor near Wilson in the north of Brisbane. In this photograph one can see Bowen Hills the suburb and out towards the city of Brisbane in the centre of the image. The foreground is dotted with houses and farmlets. The large…

Entrance to Riverview Farm

The Salvation Army has occupied this site since 1897. The avenue of pines was planted c.1920s.

Newly built huts for patients at the lazaret on Peel Island [altered from original title]

This description was supplied with the photograph and included in the library catalogue: There are sixteen of these slab and bark roofed huts and a dining shed and quarters. The buildings were all erected by the boys seen in the photograph who are from Baramba and Myora.

Fantome Island Trailer

In 1945 seven year-old Joe Eggmolesse was diagnosed with Leprosy. He was taken from his family under police escort, transported by rail and sea over a thousand kilometres to Fantome Island where he was to be incarcerated for the next ten years.

New leprosy hospital at Peel Island, Queensland

This is part of the description that was supplied with the photograph and included in the library catalogue: The kitchens in the centre and dining rooms each side. Bathrooms at back also laundry and stables.

Peel Island lazarette huts and kitchen building

This description was supplied with the photograph and included in the library catalogue: The new lazarette on Peel Island – men’s quarters; kitchen and dining room each side, and three of the men’s huts.