This image shows children in the grounds of the St Vincent de Paul Orphanage, which was also known as Goodwood Orphanage.
This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
The library description states: Exterior view of ‘Queen’s Home’ part of Queen Victoria Hospital.
The library description states: A side view of the Queen’s Home, Rose Park, building, with a number of nurses in the surrounding garden.
The library description states: Interior view of what appears to be the front lobby of Queen’s Home, Rose Park. Two nurses are standing at the bottom of the stairwell with a turned wood bannister, there is a telephone on the wall and a contribution box on a support pillar.
The library description states: Interior view of part of one of the wards at Queen’s Home, Rose Park. A patient is lying in the bed, four nurses (two of whom are holding babies) are posing for the camera, there is a table and chairs in the foreground with a vase of flowers.
The library description states: View of the front of Queen’s Home, Rose Park, with a group of ten nurses on the first storey verandah.