
Boys Behind Iron Bars

This is a picture from a 1954 article in the Sunday Times newspaper titled ‘Mt. Lawley Reception Home’s Detention Methods Are Primitive – But They Have A Tough Job’. The picture shows the ‘solitary confinement’ wing’ of the Child Welfare Reception Home at Mt Lawley, where ‘delinquent’ children were housed. The article condemned this practice…

Tardun Slideshow, Part 2

This is Part 2 of a slideshow of photographs from the archives of the Christian Brothers Oceania Province. It was created by ‘old boys’ Peter Bent and Michael Hogan, with assistance from Ed Butler, using images from ‘Institution Albums 1 and 2’. There are all sorts of scenes from life at Tardun from the 1940s…

Clontarf Slideshow , Part 2

This is a Part 2 of a slideshow of photographs from the archives of the Christian Brothers Oceania Province. It was created by ‘old boys’ Peter Bent and Michael Hogan, with assistance from Ed Butler, using images from ‘Institution Albums 1 and 2’. There are all sorts of scenes from life at Clontarf from the…

Fairbridge Farm School, 1952

This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the group of nine images titled ‘Fairbridge Farm School [picture] held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows one of the buildings at Fairbridge Farm School.

Tuart Place

This is a photograph of the front entrance of Tuart Place in Fremantle, Western Australia. Tuart Place is a resource centre for people who have been in out of home care.

Methodist Homes for Children Logo, 1960s and 1970s

This is a picture of the logo that was on the newsletter of the Methodist Homes for Children,The ‘Homes’ Herald, from 1965 to 1978.

Allandale Boys’ Cottage

This is a picture of the front entrance of Allandale Boys’ Cottage. It comes from the December 1970 edition of the Methodist Homes for Children’s newsletter, called The ‘Homes’ Herald.

Mofflyn Children’s Home

This is a picture of children on the lawn at Mofflyn. It comes from the December 1970 edition of the Methodist Homes for Children’s newsletter, called The ‘Homes’ Herald.

Mofflyn, Dowerin Cottage

This is a picture of Dowerin Cottage, which was part of Mofflyn. It comes from the December 1966 edition of the Methodist Homes for Children’s newsletter, called The ‘Homes’ Herald.


This is a picture of a new hostel in Mt Lawley which came to be known as Cooinda. It comes from the December 1966 edition of the Methodist Homes for Children’s newsletter, The ‘Homes’ Herald.