
Making Bricks, Bindoon

This photo shows a boy working at Bindoon, making bricks.

Prime Minister says sorry

The Parliament of Australia issued a national apology to the Forgotten Australians on 16 November 2009. ‘Prime Minister says sorry’ is a video of then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivering that apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants in the Great Hall of Parliament House in Canberra.

Memorial Cottage Roleystone 2008

‘Memorial Cottage Roleystone’ is a photograph from the City of Armadale’s Municipal Heritage Inventory Review. It shows the building that Sister Kate’s Children’s Home used during the World War Two evacuation from the Queen’s Park site. At that time, the building was known as ‘Memorial Cottage’. This photograph shows how the building looked in 2008,…

Child Migrant Apology

This is a video of the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, delivering an apology to the people sent as child migrants from Britain in the twentieth century.

Child Migrant Apology – Response

On 24 February 2010 the British Government apologised to Former Child Migrants sent from Britain. This is the response by Harold Haig, secretary of The International Association of Former Child Migrants and their Families.

Child Migration Statement

This website holds a video of the statement of apology made to Former Child Migrants by the British Parliament’s House of Lords.

The Leaving of Liverpool

This website has two excerpts from ‘The Leaving of Liverpool’, a television program produced in 1992. ‘The Leaving of Liverpool’ was a dramatized account of unaccompanied child migration from Britain to Australia. Its impact in putting child migration ‘on the map’ in terms of awareness among the general population and those people who had come…

List of needs, Methodist Homes for Children

This is a copy of a list of items that were needed for children in the Methodist Homes for Children in Western Australia. There is no date on the item, but it is filed in the Uniting Church Archives with other items from the 1970s. This list may have been sent to people who were…

Child Welfare Reception Home

This is a picture from a 1954 article in the Sunday Times newspaper titled ‘Mt. Lawley Reception Home’s Detention Methods Are Primitive – But They Have A Tough Job’. It shows the Child Welfare Reception Home as it looked in 1954, on the corner of Walcott and Lord Streets Mt Lawley.

A Touch of Brightness [Children’s Court]

This is a picture from the Sunday Times newspaper. It shows the Children’s Court in Irwin Street, Perth, getting a fresh coat of paint. From 1908, the Children’s Court dealt with ‘juvenile offenders’ as well as with other matters relating to children. When this picture was taken the Perth Children’s Court was in an old…