
The Rocks

This is a digital copy of a photograph of ‘The Rocks’ which was used by the Country Women’s Association as a hostel for girls from the Albany High School from 1950. The photo, which was taken some years before the CWA took over, is from the State Library of Western Australia’s collection of online images…

Nurses feeding babies [Lady Lawley Cottage]

This is a slideshow of three photographs of nurses with babies and young children at the Lady Lawley Cottage by the Sea in 1967. It is from the State Library of Western Australia’s collection of online images that were made available by the Historical Records Rescue Consortium Project supported by Lotterywest.

McCourt Street [Home of the Good Shepherd]

This is a digital copy of a photograph of the Home of the Good Shepherd in 1929, looking up McCourt St to Ruislip St. It is from the State Library of Western Australia’s John K. Ewers collection of online images.

Home of the Good Shepherd Industrial School, Leederville

This is a digital copy of an untitled photograph from the Western Mail that is published on the National Library of Australia’s website, Trove. It shows the new building at the Home of the Good Shepherd in Leederville in 1912. In the text describing the photo (p.26) the building is identified as the ‘industrial school’.

Glendalough Industrial School Leederville

This is a digital copy of a photograph from the Western Mail that is published on the National Library of Australia’s website, Trove. It shows St Kevin’s Industrial School in Glendalough in 1911.

St. Kevin’s Orphanage Industrial and Reformatory School for Roman Catholic Boys, Glendalough, near Leederville

This is a digital copy of a photograph from the Western Mail that is published on the National Library of Australia’s website, Trove. It shows boys in front of St Kevin’s Industrial School in Glendalough in 1901.

Our illustrations [Home of the Good Shepherd]

This is a digital copy of a photograph from the Western Mail that is published on the National Library of Australia’s website, Trove. It shows the Home of the Good Shepherd in Leederville in 1911.

Immigration [St Vincent’s Foundling Home dormitory]

This is a digital copy of a photograph of a dormitory bedroom at St Vincent’s Foundling Home in 1948. It is from the National Archives of Australia’s collection of online images that were made available by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.

Table and chairs, St Joseph’s Orphanage

The caption on this photograph says it shows the children’s activity room of St Joseph’s Girl’s Orphanage in 1954. It is from the State Library of Western Australia’s collection of online images that were made available by the Historical Records Rescue Consortium Project supported by Lotterywest.

St Vincent’s Foundling Home, Subiaco [picture]

This is a digital copy of a photograph of the front entrance of St Vincent’s Foundling Home in 1953. It is from the State Library of Western Australia’s collection of online images that were made available by the Historical Records Rescue Consortium Project supported by Lotterywest.