
Parkerville Gravesite (1)

This is a digital copy of a photograph held in the Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc) archives. It shows part of the children’s gravesite, including a decorative sculpture of children’s building blocks.

Home for Women

This item from The West Australian is published on the National Library of Australia’s website, Trove. It shows the Alexandra Home for Women in 1928.

The New Norcia Aboriginal Mission (W.A.)

This is a digital copy of a photograph held by the State Library of Victoria. It shows a collection of scenes from the New Norcia Mission which were published in 1895. Images include the church & monk’s quarters, a bridge over the Moore River, cottages, the first church, a man and woman with a baby…

The School for Girls

This is a copy of an image from the Western Mail on 29 December 1906. The image shows pupils and staff outside the St Joseph’s Native School and Orphanage, New Norcia.

Sister Janet Chin, from Malaya [Ngala]

This is a digital version of an image held by the ‘PhotoSearch’ site of the National Archives of Australia.The full title is ‘Sister Janet Chin, from Malaya [Malaysia], a triple certificated nurse has spent 18 months in Australia as a private student, specialising in maternal and infant care and obtaining a diploma in child care…

Dulhi-Gunyah Aborigine Girls’ Orphanage, Victoria Park

This digital copy of a photograph from the Western Mail supplemental pages, to acocmpany an article on p.25 of the same paper titled ‘Dulhi Gunyah Orphanage, Victoria Park’. The caption says the Dulhi Gunyah orphanage was for Aboriginal girls. In fact, both boys and girls were sent to live there.

The Salvation Army (Western Australia) Property Trust Act 1931

This is a digital copy of a statute held by the State Law Publisher in Western Australia which was passed to regulate the financial affairs of the Salvation Army in Western Australia.

Chidley Educational Centre, Owston Street, Mosman Park

This is a digital copy of a photograph of the front entrance of the Chidley Educational Centre in Mosman Park. This image is part of the The Grove Library’s Community History Images Collection.

Chidley Education Centre, Mosman Park, 1989

This is a digital copy of a photograph of the Chidley Educational Centre in Owston Street, Mosman Park. This image is part of the The Grove Library’s Community History Images Collection.

Child migrants on the Asturius, 1950

This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the group of eight images titled ‘Children on the Asturias arriving in Western Australia, October 1950 [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows a large group of children with some adults on the deck of the boat, Asturius.