This is a digitised copy of a slide and is part of the group of four images titled ‘Katukutu Aboriginal Young Men’s Hostel, 17 Almondbury Road, Mt Lawley [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows the original building for the Katukutu Employment Hostel.
‘Sisters and Working Girls with their young charges in front of the newly opened orphanage building’ is a digital copy of an image published in the Kimberley Community Profile magazine’s article about the Holy Child Orphanage, Broome.
‘Coogee Home [II]’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Anglican Diocese of Perth, Western Australia, Archives. Written on the back of the image are the words: ‘Barbeque area at Coogee – note new wing – bathroom and laundry. 9/33. Holidays – Coogee.’ From 1931 to 1959 the children from Swan Boys’…
‘Coogee Home [I]’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Anglican Diocese of Perth, Western Australia, Archives. Written on the back of the image are the words: ‘Our Seaside Home. Coogee. 9/42. Holidays – Coogee.’ From 1931 to 1959 the children from Swan Boys’ Orphanage (to 1942) and Perth Girls’ Orphanage (to…
‘Salvation Army Nedlands drawings and plans’ is a digital copy of five images held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection. The item shows pencil drawings, apparently from memory by an unknown person, of the buildings and layout of the Salvation Army Boys’ Home and Hollywood Children’s Village. It shows the bonfire…
‘Salvation Army Boys’ Home, Nedlands, 1936′ is a digital copy of an item held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection and the Nedlands Boys Home closed social work file at the Salvation Army Heritage Museum WA. The museum version has a typed caption that reads, ‘William St. Front Entrance Nedlands Boy’s…
‘Nedlands p152361 kitchen and dining room’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection. The date is uncertain. There was no quadrangle until 1941. The buildings around the quadrangle were repainted in 1954 and colour images of that area show lighter paint used on windowsills.
‘Nedlands Boys’ Home, Dining Room’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection. The image is undated. There were renovations to the Home in 1951-1954 and the furniture is consistent with that era, so it is likely that the photograph was taken after 1950 on…
‘Salvation Army Boys’ Home Nedlands, Quadrangle’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection. The date is uncertain. There was no quadrangle until 1941. The buildings around the quadrangle were repainted in 1954 and colour images of that area show lighter paint used on windowsills.
‘Salvation Army Boys’ Home Nedlands, Quadrangle and Dormitories’ is a digital copy of an item held in the Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Nedlands Library Pictorial Collection. The date is uncertain. There was no quadrangle until 1941. The buildings around the quadrangle were repainted in 1954 and colour images of that area show lighter paint used…