
Koorana, speech recording

‘Koorana, speech recording’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.50) in the Annual Report 1974 of the Department for Community Welfare. It shows a boy in a language skills development program. The caption reads, ‘Koorana – using speech recording machine for immediate playback of voice reading’.

Koorana, Oscilloscope

‘Koorana, Oscilloscope’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.51) in the Annual Report 1974 of the Department for Community Welfare. It shows a boy in a language skills development program. The caption reads, ‘Koorana – using Oscilloscope for training speech volume and fluency’.

McCall Centre

‘McCall Centre’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.52) in the Annual Report 1974 of the Department for Community Welfare.

Country School and Working Children’s Hostels

‘Country School and Working Children’s Hostels’ is a digital copy of a map included (p.61) in the Annual Report 1979 of the Department for Community Welfare. It shows the location of education and employment hostels for Aboriginal children and young people in WA and the hostel’s purpose (school or work). The map also shows the…

Children running 3-legged race, Wanslea

‘Children running 3-legged race, Wanslea’ is a digital copy from a collection of photocopies of images held by the State Library of Western Australia in its collection, ‘Photographs relating to Florence Hummerston and her work [picture]’. The caption does not give a date, but it is adjacent to other images from the 1940s. It is…

Group of children at Wanslea

‘Group of children at Wanslea’ is a digital copy from a collection of photocopies of images held by the State Library of Western Australia in its collection, ‘Photographs relating to Florence Hummerston and her work [picture]’. The caption is dated 1944. However, it is unknown whether this image comes from the Wanslea Hostel at 30…

Wanslea Children’s Home

‘Wanslea Children’s Home’ is a digital copy from a collection of photocopies of images held by the State Library of Western Australia in its collection, ‘Photographs relating to Florence Hummerston and her work [picture]’. The caption reads: ‘Wanslea Children’s Home c.1944’. However, based on the building’s appearance, it is likely that this image comes from…

Reception Home front door, 1921

‘Reception Home front door’ is a digital image of the stained glass panels that were saved during the restoration of the government ‘reception Home’ on the corner of Walcott and Lord Streets, Mt Lawley. The building in 2013 was the Youth Justice Services Centre.

Reception Home doors, 1921

‘Reception Home doors’ is a digital image of a set of interior doors and panels that were saved during the restoration of the government ‘reception Home’ on the corner of Walcott and Lord Streets, Mt Lawley. The doors are mounted on a wall in the office of the old building, which in 2013 was the…

I O O F orphanage (Wanslea)

This is a copy of a digital image of the Independent Order of Oddfellows’ Orphanage and children, around 1910. It is from the Marchant James collection and is included in the online Community History Images Collection held by The Grove Library.