
State Film Archives Collection

The State Film Archives Collection is held by the State Library of Western Australia. In 2013, the collection included more than 4,500 films, videos and DVDs – with 2,184 items listed in the library’s online catalogue. Items may be requested to view at the library. The collection includes some films about Children’s Homes in the…

Florence Hummerston Collection, State Library of Western Australia

This Archival Series contains Florence Hummerston’s private papers which were deposited at the Battye Library of West Australian History by Wanslea Family Services in 1982. They are very extensive and cover all the activities and organisations she was involved with. The Battye Library of West Australian History has given some of the records in this…

Phoebe Holmes Hostel

The Phoebe Holmes Hostel in Subiaco was run by the Slow Learning Children’s Group from 1961 as accommodation for young people with developmental disabilities.

Charities’ Consultations Committeee [Western Australia]

The Charities’ Consultation Committee seems to have been formed as a means of coordinating (and possibly regulating) charitable activities. It was possibly a pre-cursor to the Lotteries Commission.

Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the State Children Act Amendment Bill, State of Western Australia

A Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Western Australia was established on 15 October 1918 to inquire into the matters proposed in the State Children Act Amendment Bill (to amend the State Children Act Amendment Act 1915). TheCommittee made recommendations about the systems of ‘boarding out’ and institutional care of children and infants, the…

Apology to Former Child Migrants by the British Government

On 24 February 2010, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued an apology to child migrants, for the United Kingdom’s role in deporting thousands of children to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Some former child migrants were funded by the British Government to go to London and hear the Prime Minister’s statement…

The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families

The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition, understanding and reparation for people who were sent as child migrants from their countries of birth. The IAFCM&F has presented submissions to various Inquiries into child migration. The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition,…

CREATE Foundation

CREATE Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Association of Young People in Care AAYPIC) was established in 1993 to provide an independent voice for children and young people in out-of-home care. CREATE seeks to connect and empower Australian children and young people in care and, change the care system through activities, programs, training, research and…

Children’s Cottage Home

The Children’s Cottage Home was established by Sister Kate Clutterbuck in 1933 in Buckland Hill. In that year it housed ten children from the Moore River Native Settlement (1918 – 1951). By August 1934, a new Children’s Cottage Home was opened at Queen’s Park and within a year the children and staff had moved there….

Albany Residential College

Albany Residential College is a hostel for students attending high school in Albany. It is likely that the hostel was opened around 1974. According to evidence given in the St Andrew’s Hostel inquiry, the Albany Residential College was known as Amity House during the last decades of the twentieth century. Appropriate staffing at the Albany…