The Roman Catholic Orphan School was established at Waverley House, a large home in Waverley, in 1837. It was the first Catholic orphanage in Australia. It was opened in response to community concerns about Catholic children being placed in the government-run Protestant orphan schools, where they were raised as Protestants, not Catholics. The home was…
St Patrick’s Orphan School was established at Windsor in September 1840. It was run by a private management committee in association with St Matthew’s Catholic Church, Windsor. At its official opening in October 1840 there were seven children in residence, with 20 children in the school by June 1841. The closing date of St Patrick’s…
St Catherine’s School – Newtown – Examination Register, Inspector’s Reports is a series of records held by Geelong Heritage Centre Archives. They contain information relating to St Catherine’s Primary School, which was attended by girls from St Catherine’s Orphanage & St Catherine’s Children’s Home. These records may contain information relating to children from St Catherine’s…
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the word Mission has a specific meaning, as a residential settlement or institution. Religious missions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people existed in many states and territories from the nineteenth century up to the 1980s. On Aboriginal missions, families were forcibly separated by a dormitory system, where…
Child (or young person) ‘in need of care and protection’ was a term introduced into legislation from around the 1950s to describe a child or young person admitted to the ‘care’ of the state. Formerly, the language used was ‘neglected child’. Other common terms were child or young person ‘in need of care’, ‘at risk’…
Adolescent Care refers to models of out-of-home care geared to the needs of young people, including Adolescent Units, Early Adolescent Units, Teenage Units and Adolescent Community Placement. Services and programs specifically for adolescents became more common from the 1980s. Click here to see the full Find & Connect glossary
Lock Hospital was a term to describe institutions for people suffering from suspected venereal disease. Fantome Island, off the Queensland coast near Townsville, was the site of a leprosarium and a lock hospital. Click here to see the full Find & Connect glossary
The Heathcote Collection is a collection of over 300 items relating to Heathcote Reception Home and Heathcote Hospital, held by City of Melville Libraries and Museums. It includes photographs, artefacts (such as medical instruments), newspaper articles, magazines, newsletters, maps and plans, uniforms, oral histories, documents and records (mostly relating to staffing, procedures, and building maintenance)….
The Department for Education, Children and Young People was established on 1 October 2022. The Department is responsible for the facilitation of out of home care, child welfare, and custodial youth justice services in Tasmania. It also runs the Adoptions and Permanency Services, which provides suppport and records access services for Care Leavers.
Congregate Care was a term used to describe the system in large institutions like orphanages, in which children were housed in dormitories, usually divided by age and gender, under the supervision of rostered staff. Click here to see the full Find & Connect glossary