
Daintree River Mission

The Daintree River Mission, near Mossman, was run by the Assemblies of God. It opened in 1941. Children on the Mission were housed in girls’ and boys’ dormitories. The mission closed in 1962 and the residents transferred to the Mossman Gorge Mission. A girls’ dormitory was officially opened at the Daintree River Mission on 22…

Bloomfield River Mission

The Bloomfield River Mission was situated on the Bloomfield River in the Daintree region, north of Cooktown. Formerly known as the Aboriginal Mission Station, the Lutheran Church took control from the government in 1887 and closed the Mission in 1902. Children were housed in dormitories on the Mission for educational purposes. Problems plagued the Mission…

Assemblies of God in Australia

The Assemblies of God in Australia was formed in 1937. It is a movement of Pentecostal Churches in voluntary cooperation. The movement was renamed the Australian Christian Churches in April 2007.

Lutheran Archives

The Lutheran Archives, based in Bowden, South Australia, is the official repository of historical material relating to the activities of the Lutheran Church of Australia. The Archives holds records of the present Lutheran Church as well as records of earlier Lutheran synods in Australia. These synods amalgamated to form the present day church. Access Conditions…

Aboriginal Mission Station, Bloomfield River

The Aboriginal Mission Station, Bloomfield River, north-west of Cooktown, in the Daintree region, was run by the Colonial Secretary. It opened in 1886 and in 1887 control of the Mission was handed over to the Lutheran Church. Children on the Mission may have been housed in dormitories, however this cannot be confirmed

Miscellaneous Subject Batches [Correspondence] – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Files

This series contains correspondence files of the Colonial Secretary’s Office, Home Secretary’s Office, and Lands Department, along with newspaper clippings and photographs relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. The file groups, referred to as ‘batches’, relate to a variety of topics including marriages, children, bonds, wages, Aboriginal schools, complaints, and the…

Health & Home Affairs/Education Department Batch Files [Correspondence] – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander files

This is a series containing correspondence files of the Health and Home Affairs Department that relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland. This series also includes correspondence of the Office of the Chief Protector of Aboriginals and the Office of the Director of Native Affairs, which were part of the Health and…

Wujal Wujal Mission

The Wujal Wujal Mission was the new name given to the Bloomfield River Mission on 16 February 1980. Run by the Lutheran Church, the Wujal Wujal Mission closed in 1987.

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) – Contact Details

Please contact Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS): Postal address: GPO Box 553, Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: (02) 6246 1111 Email: Website:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Department, State Government of Queensland

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Department administered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, rights and culture, and multicultural affairs. Until 2012, it was part of the Communities Department. Within the Department, the Community and Personal Histories team helped people to trace their personal and family history, and could help people to…