Photographs, Series ID PHOTS192, is a collection comprising Diocesan photographs and photographs from other sources. Included in the collection are images of Tufnell Home, residents of Tufnell Home and the Tufnell centenary celebrations. The collection consists of loose photographic prints. Access Conditions These records are on open access and are available for viewing by the…
Miscellaneous, Item ID SSFRS165-3, is an archival item related to the Society of St Francis Religious Order. The collection consists of General Correspondence, News Clippings, Notebooks, Books, Loose Photographic Prints and Legal Documents. Part of the collection includes general historical material related to St Christopher’s Lodge and The Friary. Access Conditions Access to some of…
The Crossroads Community Youth Organisation ran the Crossroads Home at Sandgate.
Please contact Judith Stanley at the Beemar Yumba Hostel Aboriginal Corporation: Address: PO Box 136, Wondai QLD 4606
The Beemar Yumba Hostel Aboriginal Corporation ran the Beemar Yumba Maud Phillips Memorial Children’s Shelter at Cherbourg. It was funded by the State government Department of Child Safety. The Beemar Yumba Hostel Aboriginal Corporation was deregistered in 2010.
Records of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia: Hope Vale Mission Board, reference number MS 2369, consist of photocopies of correspondence, reports, records and printed material from the Hope Vale Mission Board, Brisbane, Queensland. Access Conditions For access to this collection please contact the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)….
The Monthly Reports, Series ID 5145, contain a general overview of the children, staff and activities of the Townsville Orphanage and Townsville Receiving Depot per month. They include statistcs for number of children and staff at the institution, including numbers of new admissions, returns from placements, discharges, children boarded out, children hired out, and children…
The Hope Vale Mission, at Hope Vale, was run by Lutheran Church missionaries. Previously known as Hope Valley Mission, it was taken over by the Army in 1942 and residents were transferred to Woorabinda in southern Queensland. After World War Two, in 1949, a work party of former residents returned to re-establish the mission which…
The Hope Valley Mission, at Hope Valley, was run by Lutheran Church Missionaries. Previously known as the Cape Bedford Mission, it was established around 1896 and closed in May 1942. It reopened as the Hope Vale Mission in 1950. The Hope Valley Mission was established when the administrative centre for the Mission at Elim moved…
The Cape Bedford Mission, at Elim, was run by Lutheran Church Missionaries. It opened in 1886 and moved to Hope Valley around 1896. The Mission was founded by Reverend Johann Flier from Cooper Creek in South Australia. In November 1855 Flier was on his way to found a Mission in Papua New Guinea when he…