
Peirson Memorial Trust Records

The Peirson Memorial Trust has advised that they have records relating to children who were residents of Homes managed by the Trust, including Redcliffe Home, Heytesbury Family Group Home, and the Peirson Memorial Trust Home. However, the records are not well organised. Access Conditions Former residents wishing to access their records should contact the Peirson…

UnitingCare Queensland Records

UnitingCare Queensland Records are the records of children’s residential institutions run by the Uniting Church in Queensland and some former Presbyterian Church of Queensland, Methodist Church of Queensland and Congregational Church of Queensland children’s Homes. The collection does not include client files, which UnitingCare Queensland transferred to the custody of the Queensland Government as required…

Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation – Contact Details

Please contact the the Coordinator, Records Request, Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation: Postal address: Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation Office, PO Box 287, Toowong DC QLD 4066 Email: Web:

Nazareth House, Wynnum North Records

Nazareth House Records are held by the Sisters of Nazareth. The collection contains admission information about former residents of Nazareth House, Wynnum North. Access Conditions Conditional Access – Former residents and their families seeking information in the records can write to the Archives Department at Nazareth House. Records The Sisters of Nazareth Archives holds the…

St Henry’s Roman Catholic Asylum and Catholic School Records

St Henry’s Roman Catholic Asylum and Catholic School Records are held at the Catholic Diocese of Cairns archives. They do not hold any personal records of past residents of the Mission or the early years of the school. Existing records include some general correspondence and an early history booklet. Access Conditions Permission to view these…

Lotus Place: Support Service for Queensland’s Forgotten Australians – Contact Details

Please contact Lotus Place: Address: 46 Cleveland Street, Stones Corner QLD 4101 Phone: (07) 3347 8500 Fax: (07) 3844 6706 Email:

Records and Archives, Children’s Institutions, Sisters of Mercy Brisbane

Records and Archives, Children’s Institutions is an archival collection held by the Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation. The collection contains records relating to children’s institutions and out-of-home care facilities run by the Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation. It includes admission information, files, historical information, documents, annual reports, memorabilia and photos. Access Conditions Requests for personal…

Teen Challenge Queensland – Contact Details

Please contact the Administration Department, Teen Challenge Queensland: Postal Address: PO Box 2097, Brookside Centre, QLD 4053 Phone: (07) 3422 1500 Email: Wesbite:

Churches of Christ in Queensland Records

Churches of Christ in Queensland Records contents are unknown. Former residents of Churches of Christ Homes wishing to access their records should contact the Church.

Churches of Christ in Queensland – Contact Details

Please contact General Enquiries, Churches of Christ in Queensland: Address: Churches of Christ in Queensland, PO Box 508, Kenmore QLD 4069 Phone: (07) 3327 1600 Wesbite: