
Far North Children’s Health Scheme

Far North Children’s Health Scheme, run by the SA Council of the Australian Inland Mission, was based at Warrawee at Grange from 1957. The Far North Children’s Health Scheme brought inland children between the ages of 5 and 15 in need of treatment in the city to Warrawee at Grange. Warrawee closed in 1975 as…

Warrawee, Grange

Warrawee at Grange was purchased in 1950 by the Australian Inland Mission, AIM, as a location for children’s camps. In 1953 it also began operating as a Hostel for inland children studying in Adelaide. From 1957 AIM’s Far North Children’s Health Scheme accommodated children between 5 and 15, who were in Adelaide for treatment, in…

Women’s Australian National Services

The Women’s Australian National Services (WANS) was a national scheme to coordinate the utilisation of specialised skills among women for the war effort, established in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, in 1940. The WANS in South Australia was formed in 1941, as a voluntary service that provided training for women to be able to fill…

Wanslea Children’s Home

Wanslea Children’s Home was established by the Women’s Australian National Services (the WANS) in Payneham in 1946. It operated as a Home for children whose mothers could not care for them due to illness and took in between 18 and 30 children. Wanslea also trained Wanslea Aids to care for children in their own homes…

Northcote Home

Northcote Home was established in 1928 in Grange as a rest home for mothers and new born babies. It also accommodated pregnant women, convalescent mothers, and infants requiring specialist care. From 1941 the Home became a Tuberculosis Preventorium, taking in children whose parents had tuberculosis to prevent them from contracting the disease. The Home later…

SA Protestant Federation

The SA Protestant Federation was established in South Australia around 1920. The Protestant Federation had many branches and divisions around Australia. Representatives from the SA Protestant Federation formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home between 1924 and 1974.

Baptist Union of South Australia

The Baptist Union of South Australia is an umbrella organisation for 70 Baptist churches in South Australia. The Baptist Union of South Australia was formed in 1863. Representatives from the Baptist Union of South Australia formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home between 1924 and 1974.

Congregational Union of South Australia

The Congregational Union was a Protestant congregational denomination. It was established in South Australia in 1837. Representatives from the Congregational Union formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home 1924-1972, Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel 1967-1972, and Morialta Children’s Homes Incorporated 1972-1974. In 1977 the majority of the churches that formed…

Churches of Christ in South Australia and the Northern Territory

The Churches of Christ in South Australia and the Northern Territory are a network of charismatic Protestant churches that provide mutual support while accepting the differences between them. Representatives from the Churches of Christ in South Australia formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home between 1924 and 1974.

Morialta Protestant Children’s Home

The Morialta Protestant Children’s Home was established in 1924 at Norton Summit. It was run by an independent Board of Management. In 1930 the Home accommodated 109 children under the supervision of 10 staff. School aged children at Morialta attended the Norton Summit Primary School. The Board of Management opened the Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel…