
Maintenance Act 1926, South Australia

The Maintenance Act 1926 (Act No. 1780/1926) was also titled ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to State Children, Destitute Persons, the Summary Protection of Married Women, and other matters, and to make Provision for granting Assistance to Mothers for the Maintenance of their Children, and for other purposes’. It was assented…

Children’s Protection Act 1899, South Australia

The Children’s Protection Act 1899 (No 730 of 62 and 63 Vic, 1899) was fully entitled: An Act relating to the Protection of Children. It began on 21 December 1899 and was repealed by the Children’s Protection Act 1936 on 1 April 1937. The Act allowed for the removal of children to an institution if…

Aborigines (Training of Children) Act 1923, South Australia

The Aborigines (Training of Children) Act 1923 (Act No. 1565/1923) commenced on 14 November 1923. Its full title was ‘An Act to make Better Provision for the Care, Control, and Training of Aboriginal Children, for placing Aboriginal Children under the Control of the State Children’s Council, to amend the Aborigines Act, 1911, and for other…

State Children Act 1895, South Australia

The State Children Act 1895 (No 641 of 58 and 59 Vic, 1895) was fully titled: An Act to amend the Law relating to State Children, and for other purposes. It began on 20 December 1895, and amended the Destitute Persons Act Amendment Act of 1886. The State Children Act 1895 was amended several times,…

Destitute Persons Act 1881, South Australia

The Destitute Persons Act 1881 (Act no. 210/1881) was assentend to on 18 November 1881. Its full title was: An Act to repeal ‘The Destitute Persons Relief and Industrial and Reformatory Schools Act, 1872,’ and to make other provisions in lieu thereof’. The Destitute Persons Act 1881 entitled two Justices to commit a destitute or…

Poonindie Mission

The Poonindie Mission was established at Poonindie by the Church of England in 1850. It was initially run as a training institution for young Aboriginal people from Adelaide schools. It later became a Christian community made up of Aboriginal people from various localities. The lease to Poonindie Mission was surrendered in 1894 and the majority…

Kurinda Cottage

Kurinda Cottage opened at Hawthorn in 1981 as an after-care cottage for girls from the Fullarton Children’s Home. It aimed to help the girls transition back into the community and develop their independent living skills. The closing date for Kurinda Cottage is not known.

Joyville Cottage

Joyville Cottage was established by the Salvation Army within the grounds of the Fullarton Children’s Home at Fullarton in 1972. It was a cottage home for up to eight children who were cared for by cottage parents. Joyville Cottage is thought to have closed in 1986 when Fullarton Children’s Home closed. Joyville Cottage was established…

Oodnadatta Hostel

The Oodnadatta Hostel opened in Oodnadatta in 1970. It was funded by the Commonwealth Government and run by the Save the Children Fund in consultation with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. The former superintendent of the United Aborigines Mission (UAM) Oodnadatta Children’s Home became the superintendent of the new hostel. The majority of children in…

Mansfield House

Mansfield House was a children’s home in South Australia. The location, operating dates and purpose of Mansfield House are unknown.